Buy & Try classes are product based classes that are built around current products you purchase. You buy an item or items with the cost of the class, and we make the projects I have prepared using those products. Typically there will be one Buy & Try class per month. Do you have some of the class supplies listed? Simply substitute another product, your choice, that is approximately the same price.
Hugs for Love
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Hugs for Love
Live event on Facebook: Tuesday, January 28
Deadline to register: Wednesday, January 15
To Register:
​When you Buy, you receive the following:
-Hugs for Love Bundle
-Extra supplies I provide
You Make:
-4 cards
​You provide:
-Ink pads
​Your cost:
$50, add $10 if shipping
Cost for Nutso Average Stampers team members:
$8 (includes shipping of extra supplies)
To make the projects:
Facebook Live at on Tuesday, January 28, at 6pm Central