Benefits. How can there be benefits to such a dreadful time in the world's history? Well, I certainly have a lot to say on the subject and could make a list for you, most which can be summarized in "life is slowing down." Yes, at our house we miss in home stamping classes, softball games, school, getting together with family and friends, going to the gym, etc. etc. But what I don't think we counted on was more connecting at home, and learning ways to connect with others while staying at home.
Most of all, I'm proud of what the Stay at Home order has done for my stamping connections.
Sending more cards
Because I know I'm going to be unable to see people for quite some time, I've been sending more cards. I have thousands in my stash, so why not share some happy mail? Teachers, pastors, relatives, friends...all recipients of my happy mail. I even joined a card-sending group, which is an amazing group who has been sending others and each other cheery hand-made cards in the mail. Benefits.
Facebook Live
Even though I can't see people on the other end of the computer or phone screen, I am absolutely loving connecting with fellow stampers on this social media platform. I see your presence and love reading and responding to the comments. We even paper craft together on Stamp Together Saturdays and Scrap Together Sundays. Such a beautiful way to stay connected. I'm even seeing customers from years ago come back to stamping through these Facebook Lives because they see stamping as a meaningful way to use their time.
Facebook Messenger Video Chat
I have connected with several stamping friends to talk business and/or stamp together on Messenger. It's so easy when it's a small number of people! Go to a group or individual you communicate with on Messenger, and click the video camera at the top to video call. The person/people on the other end of that call will be alerted that you want to video chat. It's a beautiful thing. When we stamp together, we can see each other, share ideas, show our projects, and laugh and talk just like we would if we were together in person.
I saved my favorite for last. Customers who take classes for which I provide the supplies get to connect on Zoom, if they wish. I send through the mail materials to all who have paid for the class. We have a regularly scheduled class time and make the projects together. We can see each other, talk to each other, and answer and ask questions (both personal and stamping). If downloading Zoom to your device and using it overwhelms you, I'm happy to walk you through it. However, if you feel it's just not for you, rest assured, you can still take the classes. Zoom has the option to record our meeting, so when I'm walking through the projects with the Zoom participants, I record the video and will share it when class is over. My gosh, I love Zoom! My family, who is spread out all over the country, also uses Zoom to stay connected. My husband and I have even gotten together with other couples on Zoom to play games!
Slowly but surely things will get back to normal. At least the new normal. Slowly but surely, we'll start getting overwhelmingly busy again. But these connections we make now will help us stay connected then. Come stamp with me. I guarantee it'll make you happy. And with the projects you make, you can make others happy.